Meadow Barn at Country Orchards Wedding
Ali & Kade
"Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it." - C.S. Lewis
It felt like it was just yesterday when I first met Kade and Ali for their engagement session in The Black Hills (if you haven't seen that yet then you can check that out HERE), but in reality it's been nearly 2 years since we met and 1 year since their wedding!! How is that even possible and where does time go?! As generic as it sounds, I feel beyond blessed to have met Kade and Ali and to have had the opportunity to work with them. They have been nothing but full of love and appreciation for me and what I do and beyond that have even become dear friends of mine in the process with plenty of hangouts at JL Beers, talking about/watching Star Wars, and debating if Lord of the Rings is better then Harry Potter - which I know is an silly debate because we ALL the know which is better. ;)
At this point I could go on for ages telling you about all the intricate details that were involved in Kade and Ali's wedding day. But I'm not going to do that. So often I feel that so much weight is put on wedding details (don't get me wrong - I love details and you'll still see some of that below) but not enough attention is brought to the actual emotion and personalities that make these weddings so special. So instead I much rather show you more of the real stuff - the laughing, the crying, and the real reactions of family members and friends as they respond to the real events unfolding before their eyes. To some of you this blog may not seem all that different then other blogs I've done (and it's not super far off to be honest) but this particular blog does focus more on those real fleeting moments as appose to inanimate objects.